Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York (DHPSNY) currently offers FREE Planning & Assessment Services designed to support New York State collecting institutions in improving and advancing program efforts while forming strategies for future growth and development. In each instance, DHPSNY services aim to improve adherence to best practices and are tailored to an organization’s unique circumstances.

To be considered for the Summer 2019 Planning & Assessment round, applications must be received by Friday, July 12, 2019.

DHPSNY offers New York State collecting institutions free services in four categories:

Strategic Planning Assistance helps organizations think proactively about their future and shape a three-year plan to serve as a road map for future decision making under a trained facilitator.

Archival Needs Assessments are an excellent way to examine your archival program holistically through an external lens.

Preservation Surveys consist of a general evaluation of your institution’s preservation needs, pinpointing areas of concern and recommendations for improvement.

Condition Surveys are a valuable tool for institutions that have received a Preservation Survey (through DHPSNY or another program) and are looking to evaluate the conditions of collection materials on a more granular level.

For assistance, questions about eligibility, or additional information, contact DHPSNY Program Manager Anastasia Matijkiw at (215) 545-0613 extension 338 or

DHPSNY’s Planning & Assessment page also features helpful tools for navigating the application process, including frequently asked questions and sample applications.

Learn more and Apply →