Public, academic, school and special library supporters traveled on the CLRC bus or drove to the state Capitol, to rally for increased library aid and to oppose Governor Cuomo’s proposed 2017-2018 budget.

Students and librarians from Central New York met with seventeen legislators throughout the day. Thank you to our regional Assemblymembers and Senators for their continued support and efforts. All offices greeted us warmly and promised to speak out for increased aid.  We also met with the offices of Senator Patty Ritchie, Chair of the Senate Library Committee and Assemblyman Dan Quart, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Libraries. Looks like we have dedicated people in our corner.

The rally at the Legislative Office Building “Well” was attended by over 800 library supporters from all around New York State. Over 50 came from the CLRC region. We all cheered the speakers and shouted “Libaries are Education”.


If you did not join us last week (or even if you did), it’s not too late to raise your voice. Go to to send a pre-drafted letter to your legislator.

Check out CLRC’s Facebook page and visit the NYLA 2017 Advocacy Day site for more photos of the day.