Catalyst Grant Final Report

“Earth Day 2024”

Please provide a brief narrative explaining your project and its outcomes.

The Old Forge Library will host an Earth Day event that 80 people attended on Monday, April 22, 2024 that included the following elements: Tree sapling giveaway, a DIY pollinator seed bomb activity, a DIY recycled coke bottle terrarium activity, a sing-along lead by Folk musicians Cosby Gibson & Tom Staudle, and a meal.

What is the most remarkable accomplishment or finding of your project?

The participation was much higher than expected.

How did your project differ from what you originally proposed?

The terrarium project was supposed to come following the meal, but the seed bomb activity went fast and we moved it forward into a chaotic joint craft time.

Please provide a brief summary of your evaluation activities and/or results, if available.

The Library planned to measure success by attendance, by feedback from participants, by creating habitat for pollinators, and by the community connecting. Attendance exceeded expectations by 20 people! We created more than 50 seed bombs, gave away 100 saplings, made 45 terrariums and fed 45 people. 60 people participated in parts of the singalong. It was intergenrational and all kinds of suprising social mixing happened. We received several positive comments since Monday and recieved this email: “What a wonderful, lively, energetic, beautiful, event you pulled off yesterday. I have to go to work or I would spend a long time telling of all the parts I loved..But of course, I loved it all. Having tables throughout the library was genius. You are such a community builder. It is an honor to know you.”

Anything else you’d like us to know?

I believe this will become an important tradition for us.

Linda Weal

Director, Old Forge Library

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