Meet-Up Description:

All organizations have facilities needs – but not all have a dedicated manager to handle the upkeep, improvements, and unexpected issues their facilities will inevitably face. These tasks often fall to staff, who must find the time and gain the know-how to maintain their buildings and grounds and to interface with vendors and contractors.

In this Facilities Management Meet-Up support staff, managers, and library workers can come together to exchange best practices, anecdotes, and problems and to seek help with specific needs. We can share information on local vendors, capital improvement strategies, and general tips for staying ahead of problems before they become disasters.

We’ll begin the meeting with a presentation from the Office Manager of the Southeastern New York Library Resources Council. He’ll share strategies and tools for keeping up with the regular maintenance our buildings often need and the problems that pop up with no warning. The presentation will be followed by time for open discussion.

Presenter Bio:

Moshe Siegel has been the Office Manager for Southeastern NY Library Resources Council since 2014. During his tenure at the council he’s learned the facilities maintenance challenges that small/medium institutions face and has developed simple but effective tools and strategies to support his work.

These are in-person meet-ups being offered at both the Mid York and CLRC Offices.

Register @ Mid York

Register @ CLRC