New Initiatives Grant Final Report

“Full STEAM Ahead”

Please provide a brief narrative explaining your project and its outcomes.

Willow Field Elementary is shifted from a K-6 to a K-2 library in Fall 2022, and the intent of this grant was to provide STEAM materials for students at Willow Field Elementary. The results were incredible!! Students were actively engaged every single library class with STEAM materials purchased through this grant. Students had the opportunity to work through the engineer design model. The biggest obstacle was transferring the funds through the district, having to resubmit the order request because pricing had expired, and hoping for materials to arrive prior to the first say of school.

What is the most remarkable accomplishment or finding of your project?

The most remarkable accomplishment was watching students learn through using these materials. Some of the best lessons were the ones they stumbled across while engineering. For example, some of the students learned that they could accomplish a task easier if they used teamwork. Sometimes they would offer ideas and suggestions to each other. The engagement level was probably the best part of it all. For that, I am beyond grateful!

Please provide a brief summary of your evaluation activities and/or results, if available.

As students rotated through centers, I had the opportunity to talk with students about what they were able to build or create with the materials from the grant. Verbal communication and pictures was used most often.

Anything else you’d like us to know?

I am so grateful for the amazing experiences that CLRC helped provide my students. This grant helped me revamp my instruction and create a more engaging environment. Students love coming to the library because they are active learners now. Many thanks!

Heather Leahey

Library Media Specialist, Liverpool Central School District

Are you interested in being our next New Initiatives Grant recipient? Check out theĀ grant page for the rules & requirements!