New Initiatives Grant Final Report
“Mental Health Makerspace”
Please provide a brief narrative explaining your project and its outcomes.
We used CLRC to purchase materials to support a library maker space series focused on mental health. I collaborated with the building’s social worker and school psychologist, and together we developed a six week series of events, including the following: origami worry boxes, stress balls, fiddle keychain, mind jars, and paint to the music, that run from April 21 – May 19th. Our six week series tied-in to mental health month in May. The events were held during a school wide common planning period, and are very well attended. Each week, we hosted 30-40 students, which is the max capacity for the space and materials available.
What is the most remarkable accomplishment or finding of your project?
An overwhelming majority of student participants reported utilizing the mental health strategies outside of school.
Please provide a brief summary of your evaluation activities and/or results, if available.
At the end of the series, students were surveyed. At the end of the makerspace series, students were surveyed. On average, most students attended 3 of the 6 events. During each event, students were taught a mental health strategy to utilize the object they created in the makerspace – 86% of students reported using the strategy after attending the session. One hundred percent of students in attendance reported enjoying the events. Students also provided written feedback – common themes were as follows: students want to help select the activities, students want the series to be available all year, and the events were relaxing and fun.
Anything else you’d like us to know?
This was a great opportunity — especially helpful after our building lost one student to a homicide and one student to suicide during the school year. Glad we were able to provide extra support with this programming!
Lindsay Cesari
School Librarian, Durgee Junior High – Baldwinsville Central School District
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