So far, there have been 86 volunteers staffing the New York Libraries exhibit booth. We’ve had people visit from as far as Alabama and China and as close as Solvay.

For the most part, everyone says they love their library and the programs and resources we provide. Some had not visited a library in 15 years. Some visit every day to use the computer. Many stopped to talk about their love of reading, and almost everyone commented about the great balloon art. Thanks to Mango Languages for sponsoring the tree.

Our work in advocating for libraries needs to be our daily mission. There was a family of 4 children (mom and dad) that had never been to a library.

Senator John DeFrancisco stopped by the booth to say hello and we thanked him for his support (and continued support). And the NYLA team joined us on Tuesday.

If you plan to visit the Fair, stop by the booth and say hello. We’re in the Science and Industry building – only five days left.

State Fair 2016 - pt1